We are designed for deeper connection.


By identifying your core desires and unique relational design you will experience more connection, intimacy, and meaning in your relationships.


Over the past decade I have designed and facilitated workshops for thousands of people around the world. I am now focusing my coaching on interpersonal dynamics - individuals, couples, and family.

Under the umbrella of Human Design, I integrate my proprietary method of Relational Mindfulness™ and trauma-informed Sexology Training to tailor my coaching to your relational needs.



Parenting is complex. As a parent of two neuro-divergent kids I have experienced first hand how wildly supportive Human Design is in connecting with and understanding your child. Create a family culture of belonging and authenticity.


Big life transitions can be exhilarating, overwhelming, and change the trajectory of your future. It’s crucial to get support through a big leap like a move, job change, divorce, or grieving a loved one. We can create a container to explore what your most important needs are in a time of change.


As a certified trauma-informed Sex + Intimacy Coach I help couples uncover their core needs and learn communication practices that create deep connection and partnership. We explore your specific challenges and compatibility through the lens of Human Design.

Which path is right for you?
Hear what clients are saying…

  • “I have been blown away by the specific insights to help my son! Very clear weekly goals help me feel like I am helping him in tangible ways. We're finally focused on what really matters: authentic connection.”

    -Female Founder + Mom of special needs son
    (Family Path Client)

  • "Brigit helped me identify places I had been holding myself back and better articulate what I was going to push for next. Work wasn't the only focus as this all grew from a desire to better hear my own internal wants and needs - you'll love working with Brigit.

    Partner, Agency
    (Professional Path Client)

  • We have been navigating the same patterns for a decade and haven't been able to really get anywhere with understanding our needs. Working with Brigit was electric and we have seen real change in our intimacy and conflict resolution".

    Blended Family Parents + Entreprenuers
    (Intimacy Path Client)

Human Design Bodygraph


It’s not a belief system - it's an operating system - which means we repeatedly test the insights and learnings we discover along the way to create healthy relationships in every area of our lives. 

Based on ancient wisdom, astrology, and spiritual teaching, Human Design is a supportive lens to help you understand your unconscious wounds, gifts, and core needs in relationship. No futuretelling or boxes here!

“Everything about the possibility of who you are is determined by your relationships. Everything… “

-Ra Uru Hu, founder of Human Design